How to see 170 million years in two kilometres
I am a petroleum geologist for my day time job. Petroleum geologists study sedimentary rocks, because they are the ones that contain oil (sand and limestones) or are the source […]
I am a petroleum geologist for my day time job. Petroleum geologists study sedimentary rocks, because they are the ones that contain oil (sand and limestones) or are the source […]
I promised you the Permian on Svalbard, after the Carboniferous. Well, the lower Permian on Svalbard was basically the same as the Upper Carboniferous, and 300 million years ago is […]
Svalbard. What comes to mind? Polar bears that eat kids alive if they don’t carry guns in the settlement. Which they do. At least the parents. Dark as a coal […]
OK, folks, here is another post of Early Paleozoic sediments from Hovedøya, near Oslo. Because that’s the closest to my home I find pretty sedimentary rocks. This time, the I […]
All my faults are normal, but I can reverse them…is an old joke among us structural geology nerds. But there is no reason to reverse this prettier-than-normal fault, which actually […]
Siden Norsk Olje og Gass stadig maser om kjærlighet -LoVeS! – må jeg gjøre det også.
Programkomiteen i Det Kongelige Norske Arbeiderparti går inn for å konsekvensutrede Loften, Vesterålen og Senja for oljevirksomhet. Dermed var Sirkus Lofoten i gang igjen i mediene, med stor ståhei – […]
Du som jobber i oljå vet det: Lofoten og Vesterålen er det hotteste området på norsk sokkel, av de som ikke er åpne for oljevirksomhet. Skal man tro Norsk Olje […]
Lady and Gentleman, In the last issue of the explorationist and geology magazine GeoExpro, I have an article on the geology, exploration opportunities and risks in the Lofoten and Vesterålen […]